
Configuring OpenShift with Multiple Sharded Routers

I needed to host a service that would be consumed by a closed client that insists on speaking HTTPS on port 50,000. To solve this, I added a 2nd router deployment and used the OpenShift router sharding feature to selectively enable routes on the 2nd router by way of selectors. To summarize: Existing HA router: HTTP 80 HTTPS 443 Haproxy Stats 1,936 Added HA router: HTTP 49,999 HTTPS 50,000 Haproxy Stats 51,936 How To Open infra node firewalls Open firewall on infra nodes where router will run to allow new http and https port iptables -A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT iptables -A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 50000 -j ACCEPT This can also be done with Ansible and the os_firewall role in your playbook.

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OpenShift High Availability - Routing

Highly availabile containers in OpenShift are baked into the cake thanks to replication controllers and service load balancing, but there are plenty of other single points of failure. Here is how to eliminate many of those. Single Points of Failure The components of OpenShift include: Master controller manager server and API endpoint Etcd configuration and state storage Docker Registry Router haproxy This post is mostly about adding high availability to the routing layer.

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